Finding Yourself After the Chaos with Lauren G. Foster
This week we are chatting with Lauren G. Foster from Be Happy First. I had such a great interview with Lauren and we could have talked for hours, it seemed. I loved how real Lauren got in sharing her story. She truly is a Phoenix rising from the ashes of when, as she so frankly puts it, she "crashed and burned."
There are so many lessons that Lauren shares with us in this interview. Some of my favorite parts are when Lauren talks us through how to get clarity on what you want for your life. That's something I've struggled with a lot as I navigate entrepreneurship, motherhood, marriage, life.
Lauren offers these steps for finding clarity in your life's purpose:
1. Remember things you used to love to do as a kid. This re-awakens your imagination so that you can dream up the life you want.
2. Write a Bucket List - What are 50 things you want to do before you die?
3. Paint the picture of what you want and then live into that. Allow the picture to change as you experience new things and can shape the picture with your experiences.
Throughout the conversation, we also discuss the Laws of Awareness and as the Universe is working in our lives in these different levels:
- To me
- By me
- Through me
- As me
For more information on the Laws of Attraction, Lauren recommends any of the Abraham Hicks books on the subject
Connect with Lauren for more information and check out her free resources:
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Lauren G. Foster founded Be Happy First in 2013 when she decided that her life's purpose was to help other women create lives that feel empowered, free and abundant, so everything she does these days is towards that end. She is certified as a Life Mastery Consultant, Primal Health Coach, Masters of Wisdom and Meditation Teacher and Dream Builder Coach.
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