This week we are bringing you our interview with Maria from
Maria discusses how she conquered the chaos in her life by adopting a minimalism-light lifestyle, and how it helped strengthen her relationships by removing the stress of materialism and the overwhelming of too much stuff.
Maria drops tons of tips to help you get started on simplifying your life.
Follow the Literally Simple blog on IG: Literallysimple
Maria Halcumb is a teacher and a reading specialist. She has a passion for inspiring others to embrace minimalism and simplicity, especially during the transition into parenthood. She created the blog with her sister in law Sara to help inspire others, and learn on her minimalism journey. You can find Maria reading books, being in nature, and spending time with family and friends in her hometown of Vancouver, WA.
If you are burdened by the chaos in your life, I want to help you overcome the overwhelm.
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