Facilitating Connection Through the Chaos with Rachel D Garrison

This week on Chaos Queens, I’m interviewing the amazing Rachel Garrison. I got so emotional during this interview and I give so much praise to Rachel for her eloquence and poise while telling her story. Rachel has been through a lot! Queens.
I found myself thinking “how is this woman still standing so strong?” And it dawned on me that OF COURSE she’s still standing strong! She is a true Chaos Queen and ruler of her realm and now she’s paving the way for others to communicate and rise up past their own fears by creating safe spaces for millennials to have vulnerable conversations about life, relationships and experiences.

Rachel Garrison is a native New Orleanian who holds a BA in English from Dillard University and a MA in Teaching from Rice University.
With over two decades of observing human nature and reading and writing poetry, Rachel Garrison has honed her skills as a literary alchemist transforming emotions into written word. She is the author of Chasing Unicorns: Life as an Early Millennial, a collection of poetry about the millennial’s plight in the modern-day dating world, and #soIknowitsreal, a collection of poetry and prose that gives the reader an intimate look at a unique love that battles emotional traumas while trying to establish trust.
Rachel is a safe space creator living in Houston, TX with her sons. Her passion and purpose is to create safe spaces to allow millennials to have vulnerable conversations about relationships/experiences as a means to heal inner wounds. Her hope is that these spaces facilitate the building of healthier relationships in the millennial generation and future generations. Her newest safe space is an online community she seeks to grow to 100 members.
Emotion activator. Conversaton facilitator. Vulnerability practioner. Author. Safe Space Creator.
See what else she’s up to at www.racheldgarrison.com
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